Friday 22 January 2016

TBR List 2016

Welcome to a new post!

Ever since I can remember I have loved books, even before I was able to read them myself. I got this from my mum, and reading and writing has always been a passion of mine. In 2012 I really did not read many books, because I discovered new things to do on the internet and Social Media. I loved it, but something was missing. I finally found that missing piece again when I challenged myself to read my first book in English and went for John Green's The Fault in Our Stars. It really brought my love and passion back, and I have since set it my goal to not stop again. In 2015 I actually read quite a lot at the beginning and kind of towards the middle of the year, but in the second half it defintely went down, also because of school. I don't want that to happen this year, even though it's going to be a busy one, as it's a task I enjoy and that really calms me down and makes me forget everything around me. 

If you've seen my What I Got For My Birthday and Christmas post, you will know that I got a Kindle. Ever since I have downloaded tons of samples of books that have been on my reading list, and I thought I would show you which of these books I'm hoping to read this year.

 Since You've Been Gone - Morgan Matson

 Let's start off with a little cheat actually, since I am already reading this book. I actually came up with the idea for this post before I bought it on my Kindle, but I thought I would show it to you anyway as I am only 40% in so far.
It's about Emily who used to not go to parties and talk to guys and stuff like that, until she met Sloane, who is bascially totally different in those points. The summer that they have planned is supposed to be epic, but Sloane suddenly disappears with her family, and only leaves a list for Emily behind, full of things Emily would never ever dare to try. But she is hoping that the list will lead her to her best friend, so she starts working on the list.

 The Infinite Sea - Rick Yancey

This is the sequel to The 5th Wave, which you might have heard about, as it's film has just started being shown at cinemas. It's a Sci-Fi series, and it so amazing. If you love The Maze Runner and Divergent, I guess this might be something for you. Basically there are certain waves that aliens, also named the 'Others', brought to earth, killing people with a virus and stuff like that. Cassie is the main character, and she is basically left alone and meets some other people in the first book, with whom she now has to try and survive, and save humanity. I absolutely loved the first book, so I cannot wait what this one has to hold. Let's just hope it's better than the Maze Runner Sequel :D.

 Bliss - Shay Mitchell and Michaela Blaney

If you like Pretty Little Liars you will probably know Shay Mitchell, who plays Emily. Together with her best friend she wrote this novel, and I've been quite interested in it ever since I heard about it, and even more since I read the sample of it.
The story basically follows three friends, named Sophia, Demi and Leandra, who all went of different paths after school. Demi and Leandra don't get along anymore either. The book is about friendship and all the uncertain things that the early 20's bring to you. I don't completely know what to expect from this, but I am quite exited to see what Shay and Michela have published.

Confess - Collen Hoover

So far I have read two books by Collen Hoover, and since I liked them both, I am really exited what this one will be like, as a lot of people swear by her books.
It tells the story of Auburn, who has lost everything that is important to her, and now she tries to fix the pieces that her life has become. She meets Owen at an art studio. Auburn puts her heart into it, but then finds out that he is keeping a major secret from coming out, which could threaten everything that is important to Auburn. The only way to save their relationship, is for Owen to confess.
I think it sounds quite interesting, and I am looking forward to find out what that major secret is, that Owen is holding back.

Hello Life! - Marcus Butler

I wasn't really sure wether I wanted to read Marcus' book, as I am not really the person that enjoys the book by male youtubers, but I read the first few pages that I was able to download for free, and now I am actually more interested in it. The book contains parts of Marcus' story and expierences, but also health tips and things like that. I am not sure wether this will be incredible, but I am interested to see how the whole book will turn out to be like.

Where The Road Takes Me - Jay McLean

I actually found this book randomly while strolling through the Kindle store, and I think it sounds kinda interesting.
Chloe has only got one plan for her future, which is the road. She has given herself the promise, that she won't open herself up to anyone, in case that person could threaten her plans. She then meets Blake during a dark night, who is pretty broken, but is trying hard not to show anyone. Everything changes for Blake, while nothing changes for Chloe, since she is focused on the road. But they then get closer, and the road leads them somewhere completely different.
I love travelling, as well as love stories, so let's just hope this is going to be a good one!

Legend - Marie Lu

If you follow booktube or you like books in general, you will probably have heard about this. I have literally wanted to read this for like forever, and I don't know why I still haven't done that, as it sounds so good and everyone is talking about it. It's another Sci-Fi and dystopian series as well.
I will just quote the actual summary from Amazon here, since I think it is actually quite good in my opinion:

-He is Day. The boy who walks in the light. She is June. The girl who seeks her brother's killer. On the run and undercover, they meet by chance. Irresistably drawn together, neither knows the other's past. But Day murdered June's brother. And she has sworn to avenge his death.-

Before - Anna Todd

This book was written by Anna Todd, who is quite for the famous After series, which used to be a Harry Styles fanfiction on Wattpad, which was published. This book tells Hardin's life, so the other main character from After, and his story before he met Tess, and what happens after the After series.
Even though I didn't love every whole book of the series, I loved all of them, and couldn't take them down, so this is a must to read.

Carrie Hope Fletcher - All I Know Now

Carrie is another youtuber, which I have been following for quite a while. Some of you may know her from being Tom Fletcher's sister. She also stares in Les Miserables in the Westend, and is just an amazing and quite lovely person in my opinion. This book is full of adive and stories from her life, which I am so exited for, as I quite like these kind of books, especially from people that I have followed and liked for a while.

Gayle Forman - Just One Day

To be honest I had to properly look up what this book is about, as I literally had just put this on my list, because I have read all of Gayle's other books and I absolutely loved them a hell of a lot, so I just really want to read this series of two.
The book tells the story of Allyson, who meets an a dutch actor in England. When she wakes up after an amazing day in Paris, she discovers that William has left. She embarks on a a journey to come to terms with the narrow confines of her life, through Shakespeare, a quest for her love and travel, to break free from those confines.

Me Before You - Jojo Moyes

Most of you will probably have heard about as well, as literally everyone has been raving about it for months, maybe even years, and it is being made into a movie as well!
The story follows Lou Clark who knows quite a lot of things. She doesn't know though, that she is about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane. Will Traynor knows that his desire to live was taken away by his motorcycle accident. He also knows how to put a stop to that. But the meeting of the both will change the other forever.

Prisoner of Night and Fog - Anne Blankman

This is the kind of book I have never read as it is a historical one. I found this through Sasha Alsberg, one of my favourite booktubers, who talked about this. I have always liked learning and reading about the World Wars, and this story takes place in Munich in 1930.
Gretchen is under the wing of her Uncle Dolf, who is none other than Adolf Hitler. Gretchen follows his every command. But she then meets a young Jewish reporter, named Daniel, who says that her father was actually murdered. She doesn't know what to believe, but soon discovers a lot of secrets. She has to determine her own allegiances, even if her choices could kill Daniel and her.

Jenny Han - To All The Boys I've Loved Before

This book has been on my radar for a while as well, and I am looking forward to jumping into the story this year.
Lara Jean's love life is pretty crazy and has tons of different sides, basically. She keeps all of the love letters she has written before in a box. One for every of the five boys she has ever loved. When writes, she pours out everything, and the letters are only meant to be for her. But then suddenly all of her secret letters are mailed, and her love life goes out of control.

The Air He Breathes - Brittainy C. Cherry

This is the last book of my list so far, and another one that I discovered whilst scrolling through the Kindle Store.
Our protagonist is warned about Tristan Cole. He is meant to be cruel and damaged. But she can't just judge a man by his past, because she is also damaged, just like he is. So she accepts the challenge, as they are both empty, looking for something else and want to put together the shattered pieces of their past.
I think it actually sounds a bit different to the usual stories, and I absolutely love that not everyone is talking about a book that I want to read for once, and it's also another series. I am quite exited to explore something completely new, that I hadn't heard about before I saw it in the store.

I hope you enjoyed this blogpost, as I loved doing something book related again, since I love both reading and writing, and I really want to make more time for both this year. Please leave me some recommendations down below or on my social medias of books that I should check out and read! :)

Have a good day! 

Love, Jacqueline Xx

The rights for the pictures go to their owners! I do not claim any copyright for them, nor am I using these to gain money! I am only using them for for fun and inspiration!

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