Saturday, 1 October 2016

September Chats 2016

Welcome to a new post!

How is it already time to do my September 2016 round up?? This year is going by way too fast. I mean we are so close to Christmas already, and I am not sure whether that's just completely scary or incredible. This month has actually been quite a good one, and I did quite a few things that I really enjoyed. Before October is over too, let's dig into what happend in September! :)

New Laptop

Guysssss, I'm finally the happy owner of a laptop. I can finally write and browse wherever I want to, instead of having to choose between tons of uncomfortable positions on my desk. It's not a Macbook, but who needs a Macbook when you can get a really good laptop with all the technical details that you need for less money? :) I'm really happy with it, and I'm already using it way too much. Writing is much more fun when you are cozy and in bed.

Driving License

Guess who's finally allowed to drive?? Meeeee. Hell, clear the streets I'm coming. It definitely wasn't perfect, and for a few seconds I literally thought I had failed, but gladly I didn't! As we got a different car than my driving teacher, it's been a little harder to drive it, as I still need to become friends with it (lol), but I'm loving it. Though I do feel old. That's literally the first thing I said when I got my license. I always thought as a child, that when you can drive you are finally an adult. Well, you're not, but I mean being able to drive is very adulty, and I feel like that's quite scary. Can I stop aging now, thank you. :D

TV Shows

I had planned on finally watching Suits, but to be honest I stopped after two episodes - definitely not because it was bad, but because I felt like watching something else for once! I'm definitely going to carry on soon. I also got a list by a friend of mine of series to watch, so that's another thing I got planned to go through. Guess this exam season will be filled with loads of TV Shows  - how bad :D. But anyways, I finally started watching Breaking Bad. I had it on my list for quite a while, but as it also was on my friend's list, I thought I might as well start it. Even though I like Chemistry, it's definitely not my usual thing. So far, I quite like the series though. I'm currently close to the end of Season 2, so I got a few episodes to go.

Reading and Writing

I'm still stuck on the second Game of Thrones book, as for some reason I just can't find the motivation right now to fight through it, as much as I love the series. However, after a really long time of not reading anything on Wattpad, I finally decided to mix my reading up a bit, and finally read something on it again. To be honest, I went back to my habit of reading college Harry Styles fanfictions, but I actually still enjoyed that. Writing wise, I've definitely had quite a few thoughts, but I still can't quite figure out the proper plot or villain part of the story, let alone decide on character names. However I did manage to finally write a few new bits and scenes down, prepping myself for writing season next month. I will do a whole blogpost on my writing journey throughout Novembers at some point at the month, so keep tuned for that! :)


Me and my friend got tickets for Shawn Mendes next year - ahhhh yaaas! I've loved his music for quite a little while, and I particularly love his first album - the second one obviously is in my current playlist! Really exited for it! And I also went to see a German comedian this month with another friend! His name is Luke Mockridge (maybe Canadian and Italian as well...but mainly German okay :D), and I bloody love that guy. I have been watching his show for a long time, and he just hits my humor. If you are German/Austrian/(Idk about Switzerland?), and you haven't heard of him yet, even if you usually aren't the one for Comedians, where the hell have you been living?? Definitely have to see him again next year, that guy is so good! I literally didn't get the smile from my face for days and days.

Politic Adventures

Um, if you aren't from Germany, I am not quite sure whether you know about a party that's currently getting a lot of fuss here, called Alternative für Deutschland (AfD - Alternative for Germany). They are basically the Front Nationale and Republicans of our parties...Let's just not get a further look into that. For fun our politics course decided to go to an event by them and see what umm weird stuff they were gonna try and tell us. It was literally the funniest thing ever to see what some people believe in, and how much shit politicians can tell us in order to make us vote for them, without us even realizing. Sorry if I'm offending everyone, that's just my personal opinion. I don't like being judged about stuff like this, but I guess as a blog owner I kinda feel like talking about politics from time to time is something I need and want to do.

Planning The Future

The future is a tricky thing, especially when you've got no  idea what you want to do after school. I mean I know what corner I want to go in, but I still don't really know which specific corner I will end up in. We got books full of all existing university courses and options, mainly focused on Germany, and I'm still quite undecided. I've had quite a few thoughts about it over the past few days and weeks, and it definitely helped me rule out at least some courses. I'm definitely going to do a gap year as an Au Pair after Sixth Form, but the life after that is still quite undecided. Did I mention how much I hate not having a plan? Would you like a whole blogpost on my thoughts of struggling with this etc? Pretty sure, I am not the only struggling with this. :)

School Adventures - Heidelberg, US elections, Food

This week we had a whole week of doing stuff with our English Advanced course, instead of doing proper school stuff, which was so lovely. We mainly focused on the US elections, but we still had a lot of other fun bits to do. Monday we went to Heidelberg, which is a city sort of in the south of Germany. It's quite beautiful. There we had a three hour workshop with an American telling us all about the US elections, which was VERY informative, let me tell you. :D Afterwards we also had a little freetime, which was nice. I think I'd definitely like to visit the city again, as we definitely didn't see a lot. The next two days we spend focusing on presentations about certain topics about the elections, as well as Friday. On Thursday however we had a late start, even making me manage to sneak in a little run before, and then met to have a chinese. We all ate way too much food, but who can say no to an All-you-can-eat??. Afterwards we went bowling, and let me just say - I'm definitely not made for it. However, we had so much fun, and I'm really sad the week went by so fast.

Music Loves

Last but not least, I cannot go without mentioning that Niall released his first solo single. No he didn't release, he dropped it out of the middle of nowhere. "This Town" is such a pretty song, and totally my thing. If you haven't listend to it yet, please do it, even if you never liked the 1D music. I've also been working on the playlist for my 18th, even though that's still a little less than three months away. It's literally my favourite playlist right now, as it's such a throwback. I love it!

Soo, I think we are finally done. It was quite an eventful month, but I really really enjoyed it. I got a few blogposts planned, so let's hope exam season doesn't get in the way and I can post them alllll! :) How was your month? What have you got planned for October?

Have an amazing day, and an incredible October! ♥

Love, Jacqueline Xx

P.S. I do not claim any copyright for the pictures above, all sources are linked! The rights go to their owners! I do not use these pictures to gain money, I use them for fun and inspiration only!

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