Friday 15 January 2016

Chatting: Following Your Own Path at School

Welcome to a new post!

Yesterday we were sat down in our school's gathering place to talk about the second half of year 11. It is quite an important one as you have to make your decisions for your A Levels and your marks at the end of it will decide wether you'll make it to the next phase and year on the way towards your A levels.

I've been thinking about which subjects to take for my exams and higher courses for quite a while, years even, and I still am not sure what I am going to decide on. I have to choose two, and since I love English that is already settled, but what will be my other choice, and what else will I have to write an exam about.

I feel like many people at this point decide to choose a subject that most of their friends choose out of confidence, not really out of their own choice. Some even choose certain subjects because they feel like they are not good anything, which they say is the reason why they choose a subject that a lot of their friends do.
But guys, let's be honest - it is not going to work that way, not always at least. Yes that subject might end up as the best choice you could've ever made, but if you've chosen it, there's no going back if you are absolutely hating it after a few weeks. It is important to have a good working background, but what people tend to forget is that you have to think about what you personally want to do, not what would be the easiest choice. Sure, your friends might be able to help you if you struggle in that subject, but in the end it's you that has to write the exams and raise your hand to say something, not them.

You have to work for yourself, so you also have to think about yourself when you make an important choice like that. That doesn't even have to be in school, it could even be about other things like going out or doing a certain thing for someone's birthday.

Be special, be different, and do what YOU want to do, not what others tell you to. It's your life and your choices, not theirs, so you are the one that gets to decide where your path will lead.

I personally am currently deciding wether I will take German, Chemistry, History or maybe even Biology as my second higher course. I like things about all of these subjects but I also hate quite a few parts in each on of them, and in neither of them I am a genius, but they are still what I have in mind to study further.

Some people have told me to not choose German because 'You will have to write an exam in it anyway, it doesn't make sense.'. But to be honest, that isn't true. It does make sense, even if I will have to write an exam in that subject anyway. If I like German, I will choose German, that is my own choice to make, not someone else's. I think you should always be open for advice, but don't let anyone tell what you have to do. Maybe you want to be challanged a bit, and maybe that will actually help you and make you happier. Maybe these people that have told you those things will end up coming to you, telling you they wish they would have chosen that subject.

If you already know what area you want to work in after your school time, but aren't sure what subjects to decide on, go and do some research on the subjects that could maybe help you in that job. Please don't think that you aren't good at anything, just because you aren't writing straight A*'s in every subject. There is always something you are good at, you only have to aknowledge it.

I suggest you make a list of all of your subjects, and write down all of the marks that you have gotten in this year so far. And then think about which subjects you enjoyed. Write down all of the themes that you enjoyed talking about, and that you enjoy in your freetime as well. Take some time to think, and you will find something.
I personally made this myself, only in a version that is only on my mind, but I still have it. I do enjoy Maths, but only when I get the topic, and if I end up writing a good mark for my level in that subject. But since that doesn't happen as often, I had crossed that out from the very beginning (I miss the times when you were able to stop studying maths before your A levels *sigh*). 

However I do quite enjoy History, especially the French Revolution and the World Wars. I have always been interested in certain topics, even though I don't find everything interesting that you talk about. But I still enjoy it, and I might actually end up deciding on it, even if that means I will have to learn pages and pages of dates. I love a challenge, so maybe I will end up choosing it - who knows. Or maybe I will end up choosing Chemistry, German, Biology or I will suprise myself and choose Physics or something like that. 

Don't cross out everything, only because you aren't able to get A*s on the tests in that subject. Do something that you genuenly enjoy and would enjoy talking more about. Don't let others tell you what you are supposed to do, and not only in school. Just because a higher Maths course might look quite nice on your certificate, that is no reason to choose it. If you have a bad mark because you did not enjoy it at all, it isn't going to make it better. I can't stress this enough - do things that make you happy, not because it is going to make someone else happy! It is your life, so you get to decide where the path will guide you.

If you need advice - go and ask for it. Let the opinion influence you and make you think. Do some research on Google or by asking other people that were in the same position before. But then decide what you want to do, something you are going to enjoy talking and thinking about.
Your friends might all end up doing Chemistry, but you hate that and you would rather enjoy Sports, but also don't want to let them down and be 'alone' in that new course. Don't let that influence your decision. FOMO is not something you should think about in this moment. Sure they might make amazing expierences together without you and make new friends, but you will too! Don't put pressure on yourself because of your friends, I beg you! It might be harder to start in a completely new course with new people, but as long as you are open and nice to them, and don't isolate yourself from them, you will soon make new friends that you can spend time with, when your other friends aren't around. There is not much to worry about. Don't put yourself under too much pressure. 

I'm sorry this has been all about A levels and choosing subjects mainly, but it is a situation that me and my classmates and friends are currently dealing with, and I felt like I had to spit this out, because we won't be the only ones expierencing something like that.

There always new decisions to make in life. From throwing away an old and very loved lipstick or not, to the decision of wether you are going to marry that person or not, and so on. We all have to remember to think about other people when we make decisions, but we also have to remember to think of ourselves. These decisions might follow you forever, and will even sometimes throw your life around completely. They have to made, wether you want to or not, so make sure to choose wisely.

I hope I didn't bore the hell our of you with this post. Let me know your thoughts about this topic down below, if you feel like it. 

Have a good day.

Love, Jacqueline Xx

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