Monday 15 February 2016

One Week Honest Food Diary Trial

 Welcome to a new post!

Around two weeks ago, one of the bloggers that I read most, Lily Pebbles, posted a blogpost about 'One Week Honest Food Diary'. Here's a link to it, if you haven't seen it yet. She wrote down everything she ate for a whole week, being completely honest, instead of the usual pretending to always eat like that. A lot of people always do food diaries, but to be honest, you always keep in mind while doing that that you are actually documenting that, and people might judge you for it. But this food diary is a honest one, not planning everything out so it seems like you are actually completely healthy, because let's be honest - who is?

 I got really interested in that post, as I feel like I haven't been as healthy as I intended to for the past few weeks, and it's really been bothering me. I want to get more creative and more into a habit of eating healthy. So I tried it myself, and here's my 'One Week Honest Food Diary' version, inspired by Lily, and what I learned from it. I did from a Wednesday to a Thursday, just to clarify.

What I learned from writing down what I ate for a whole week:

1)  I keep eating the same things over at least one day just at different times of it, and it usually doesn't have that much variation.

2)  I consume way too much dairy.

3)  I need more inspiration on things to make myself and eat, especially for breakfast and 'Coffee time'. 

4)  I need to take more time to prepare my food so I can be more creative as well, instead of throwing something together in a few minutes.

5)  I should go back to eating more fruit and vegetables.

6)  I eat way too much muesli, even when I don't even feel like eating it just because I don't have any other idea.

7)  I feel happier with the stuff that I eat on the days that my mum makes/prepares most of the food.

8)  I need and want to cook more for myself when I have the time to, and make more effort than just throwing a vegetarian meat thingy in the pan, just because it's fast and easy.

9)  I care more about my workout and my water impact than the actual things that I eat, even though I want a proper result.

10)  I should go do the food shopping with my parents a bit more often to find more things I could eat and make.

My goals:

I want to eat less dairy, and more fruit and vegetables instead. I want to cook more, and get more inspiration to be more creative with the things that I eat. I want to stop eating muesli all the time, as well as other things I keep repeating and instead eat different things.

I hope you enjoyed this kind of blogpost. Thank you to Lily for the inspiration (not that I think you would ever read this, but a girl can dream). Please make sure to check out her blogpost as well, and let me know what you want to change in your eating habits. :)

Have a great week. ♥

Love, Jacqueline Xx

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