Monday 22 February 2016

My Dream Fulfilling Jar

 Welcome to a new post!

When I first saw this jar in the home store, I knew I wanted it straight away. It was just the thing I had always been looking for to decorate my room with. It is literally a tumblr jar, and I think it's the cutest thing ever. It's probably one of my most favourite things on my shelves.

There a few things printed on the jar, that are examples for things that you could do with the stuff inside of it, or already have done. You are even able to tick the boxes if any of the things on it are what is is for.

I personally don't only want to use this so it looks pretty when people come around my house, but to save some money as well.
You always think about buying less and saving more, but to be honest you don't think about it as much as when you have it right in front of you. I am obviously not telling you to put 100€ note into a jar that everyone can open and grab it when they are over.
Personally I am putting in all the money that I am not using or I put in some, if I feel like it. That's the small pieces in particular.

I want to use this jar to treat myself to something nice when it is full. I've got no idea how much it's going to turn out to be, but even if it's just a few euros - it doesn't matter. But in that way I am at least saving it for something I will actually love. Maybe I will get myself a lipstick from it, or maybe I am going to use it for going on holiday somewhere nice and pretty. I haven't got a plan yet, but I do want to fulfill a little dream with it, which is why I call it my dream fulfilling jar.

Have you ever thought of getting one, or do you own one? I hope I was maybe able to give you some inspiration. You can do so many things with them. You could put in tickets and bills from places you went and want to memorize for example, or simply save some money, and get yourself something nice from it.

If you can't find a similar one, you can always get a plain jar and design it yourself with a marker. :) You can also find similar ones on Etsy.
(Mine is from a German store named Depot, if you are wondering, but I don't think they are selling it anymore.)

If you want me to write another post when I bought myself something from the money inside of the jar, let me know, and I will. :)

Have a good day. ♥

Love, Jacqueline Xx

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