Tuesday 22 December 2015

16 Things To Do During Winter Break

Welcome to a new post!

As Christmas is coming up, loads of people either have a break from school, or take some time off of work. As much as you enjoy it, at some point you might get bored, and not know what to do with yourself anymore. At least I sometimes feel like this, even though I should probably do some of that stuff on my big To-Do list for school, but to be honest...who wants to do school work during holidays?? I don't even get how they still call it holidays in the grade I am now, because I will basically having to spend it with school work. 
But I have found some things to inspire you to, when you are either feeling bored, or you just need a break during your winter break.

1) Spend more time with your family and friends

This is the time of the year where everyone starts hanging out more with each other, since it's Christmas, New Year, and a lot of people's birthdays. You should always spend time with your family and friends, but take this opportunity to spend even more time with them, and do something together, that you all love. 
You could think about or google some nice place around you and spend time there. Wether it's having food at a restaurant, going on a walk, going to a fair or a theme park, or simply spending time at home watching a movie. There is plenty to do!

2) Bake or cook something major

I can't be the only one that always wants to bake or cook something major that takes up a lot of time, but never does it exactly because of all the time input. This time of the year is perfect to finally do that, and try something you've always wanted to cook or bake. In my opinion it's one of the times where you can get most creative and find the most inspiration. There are also a lot of places that sell really cute baking tools and stuff, like Amazon, for example. Have a look at that, get yourself a recipe and accept the challenge.
If you aren't sure of what to cook or bake, Pinterest is an amazing inspiration in my opinion, and I keep pinning new things to my bord that I want to make at some point, hopefully soon.

 3) Start or finish your 2015 scrapbook

If you remember, scrapbooking got really hyped at the beginning of the year, and it deffo didn't leave me out. Scrapbooks are such a nice way to remember all the fun you had that year, and all the things you did.
So, if you haven't yet started your scrapbook for 2015, now is the time to do. And if you have already started one, but haven't finished it yet (like me :D), then go get those pictures printed and start working.
You can design them in so many different ways, with so many things like washi tape or cute stickers, so get creative, and relive your year!

4) Do not touch anything school related

This is probably the easiest one, right? Especially if you have loads of things to do for school over the holidays, but you have already had a very stressful few months thanks to school, I suggest you don't touch anything school related at least until Christmas is over, however much you feel like you need to start doing something. 
Now is the time to relax, that's what a break is for, and it is really important to have breaks from time to time, to do something you actually enjoy!

 5) Have a pamper day

Perfect way to go on. Have a pamper day. We all need this from time to time, and I'm pretty sure your skin and body won't mind either, if you go have a nice bath, do some masks, snuggle up in some comfy clothes and enjoy a nice movie with a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate. It's literally the best thing ever, especially after a really stressful time!

6) Try something new

Yeah, sure a new year is all about new resolutions for the new year, but that isn't the only time you should think of trying new things. You should find some time for that during your holidays. You always wanted to go to that one theme park, ride a segway, or do something crazy like bungee jumping, now is the best time to do it. This life could be over any second, you never know.

 7)  Read a book

I know reading is not for everyone, but I can honestly tell you, that is one of the most relaxing things in the world. Get yourself a new book, maybe you even got a new one for Christmas, grab a drink, throw your phone in a corner (don't take this one too serious please ;) ), and concentrate only on the book.

 8) Start a new TV show

As you might already know, tv shows are something I am absolutely obsessed with, and I don't know what I'd do without them.
They are the nicest thing ever, and there is something out there for everyone. I personally even watch them while doing school stuff, especially during my break, and I absolutely love it.
If you don't really know what one to watch, you might want to check out one of my recent posts about my personal favourite tv series.

9) Have a walk in the cold

It's so sad that I had to write cold instead of snow, because it literally snowed like two times this year so far, and it didn't even stay on the streets. 
However, walks in the cold or in the snow (not if you are in Australia at this time of the year, obviously ;) ), can be so relaxing and chilly. Take some loved ones and your camera, snuggle up, and you'll have the best time ever.

10) Do more of what makes you happy

This is a classic one, but I really find it very important to mention, as some people tend to forget it at some points. 
It is so important, to do things that make you happy, and not constantly doing things that only make the people around you happy. You've got to think a bit more about yourself sometimes, because we are all just humans.

11) Reorganize your wardrobe

We all know the struggle of a messy wardrobe which is full of things you don't even wear anymore.
Now you've got the time to finally do that. Try on things, and really think about wether you are actually going to wear that or not, and then decide.
All clothes that you decide not to keep anymore, you can either give to your friends or donate them, so you can even make other people happy by cleaning out your wardrobe.

12) Spend some time off of your phone

For this generation, this point is probably the hardest one to deal with, which is actually quite sad. I wish we still would have those times where no one owns a smartphone or anything similar, and you actually had to talk and do other things than sit on your phone when you meet.
Use this time to spend somet time without your phone, and do something else, maybe with your friends, or by reading a nice book. Even though it sounds kinda scary, doing that for a few hours can be quite relaxing, trust me, even if it's just for a few hours.

13) Throw a party

This might not be for everyone, but why not throw a party. Invite some friends, let them bring along some nice food a have a fun night together, even if you aren't celebrating something in particular. It doesn't always have to be a club, and you don't always need alcohol for that.

14) Write down your New Years resolutions

Probably another classic, but I find that is the way I stick to my resolutions more, because I wrote them down and actually have them in front of your face. Really put some thought into this, by thinking of things that annoyed you this year, or that you absolutely loved doing.
Look out for my post about my own one's very soon.

 15) Redecorate your room

I am the type of person that really quickly gets bored of her room decor, and I have been trying to find the time to redecorate it for months. I have set it my goal, to finally do that during my break, and if you feel the same way, why not do that to.
Pinterest and WeHeartIt are amazing inspirations in my opinion, if you don't really know what to do.

16) Create a bucket list

Some of you might have already done this, but I think some people forget about things like that, because they only think of resolutions for the new year. 
Start writing down a list of things you want to do and achieve in your life, make it look really pretty, and give yourself something to tick of when you have finally gone for your goal, or achieved it.
It's definetely something I want to do as well.

 I hope I was able to give you some inspiration with this blogpost, and now you're feeling inspired to do some other things instead of sitting around, staring at your phone for the whole break.
Let me know, what you will be doing during your winter break. :)

Love, Jacqueline Xx

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