Monday 23 November 2015

My favourite bloggers

Welcome to a new post!

As a blogger, I obviously also read a lot of blogs whenever I feel like it and I've got some freetime. My favourite bloggers might not all be new to you, since most of them are quite popular, but I wanted to tell you about them anyway.

I want to start off with one of my favourite girls in the whole wide world, who is also my idol. I am talking about Danielle Peazer. Some of you may only know her for being Liam Payne's ex girlfriend, but she is far more than that. She is a professional dancer, model, youtuber and blogger. She started her blog last year I think, after lots of us who had been begging for her to start one for years! It has grown absolutely huge since then and she does amazing posts, especially for all lovers of fashion, go check my girl out!

Next up is Niomi Smart. She is also youtuber, and does a lot of posts mostly based on fashion and her plant based diet, which I find quite interesting. She shares a lot of information about a plant based life and she does amazing recipes as well! I also really really like her style, so if you are interested in healthy/plant based eating, traveling, beauty and fashion, go check her out!

Zoe Sugg aka Zoella is probably my favourite youtuber ever, and I also really really like her blogposts. She has recently relaunched her blog, and it's one of the prettiest things I've ever seen. She talks about lots of different topics like make-up and beauty, but also travelling, her anxiety and other inspirational stuff. And her style is very close to mine as well, so she is literally made for me haha! xx

My two next one's I want to do in one paragraph because they do a ton of videos together on youtube, and I basically see them as one thing, not just two friends. I'm talking about Lily Pebbles and ViviannaDoesMakeUp. Both do amazing posts and youtube videos, mainly about beauty and make-up, and they give absolutely amazing tips!

Next is one of Zoe's bestest friends, Mrs Tanya Burr! You will all probaby have heard about her as well. She also does youtube and blogging at the same time. Her blogposts are kind of like Zoe's one's but she pops in a lot of more eventy stuff and loads of recipes! She is also so inspirational! If you want to find out more about that, have a look HERE.

Last but not least is probably the least popular blogger out of all seven, and also a friend of mine. Her name is Emily Bashforth, and she started her blog a few months ago. She does posts about baking, fashion, make-up, travelling etc, and she is such a lovely girl and so amazing to talk to! She looks absolutely stunning, and we have such similar style and interest, it's absolutely crazy! If you are looking for an amazing blogger, that isn't as popular as a Zoella yet, please have a look at her blog, you will not regret it!

Who are your top 3 favourite bloggers at the moment? Let me know! :)

Love, Jacqueline Xx

Credits for the pictures go to their owners. I do not claim any copyright for the pictures, I only used them for fun and not to gain money with them.

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