Sunday 23 October 2016

Happy 1st Birthday!

Welcome to a new post!

I can't believe I'm actually typing this post already! Time has gone by so quickly, I can't even believe it. It feels like yesterday that I was preparing my first few blogposts to go up, yet today we are celebrating the first birthday of this blog! How? :o Exactly one year ago I published my first blogpost, welcoming you all to this new adventure.

I've owned a blog before, but never managed to keep it going as I wasn't only talking about things that I wanted to talk about, nor did I have the motivation to keep on writing posts. To be honest, I had that feeling a few times in this year as well, but I guess that's pretty normal. Everyone feels stuck at some point in their life, whether that's with school, work, friends, love, life in general or simply their hobby.

Leaving that aside, I've had the best time ever sharing my thoughts with you on so many different topics, and there are so many more on my list that I want to talk about in the future. I didn't force myself to write certain posts. Instead I posted the stuff that I felt like both writing and posting.

View numbers keep telling me what posts you guys love, which ones you didn't like as much, and which ones I definitely didn't promote enough. That is definitely a goal for the future year of blogging. I really need to get better at sharing.

I would like to say that I also want to write more posts in the future, but you should never promise anything on the internet, and with A-Levels getting closer and closer each month I'm pretty sure that's not what is going to happen. However, I do have so many fun things planned already for next year, and you will probably be bombarded with pictures and posts during those fun times, and I can't wait for you to see it. Not everything is fully secure yet, so I'm going to keep you on hold with that for a little longer, but if everything goes well in a few weeks I will be able to tell you about some cool plans for the next year! :)

One thing that has kept bothering me whilst owning this blog and blogging it away, is that I never feel like I engage with my readers enough. I've only gotten one comment on this blog the whole year, but I guess I can't blame any of you, and I am really not doing that. Please don't take this in the wrong way. Not even I comment 98% of the time when I read a blogpost, because I purely want to read and enjoy it. As my blog is still really small as well I can't expect that to happen.

Wow, I sounded so moody there, didn't I? I'm really sorry, I'm actually in quite a happy place right now. I haven't got any part of this blogpost planned, so again I'm just sprinkling it down as it gets into my head. I'm so so grateful that I have the opportunity to even share all of these thoughts and things that I enjoy and love with you. A few generations back I would have never been able to do this, and I don't know how I would've coped with all this inspiration and creativity wanting to burst out of my head. (To be honest, I probably would have found a way, but still.)
I'm so grateful that you guys read my blog, and that some of you actually keep coming back to it from time to time. Even if I don't know anything about you, I am so grateful that you take that time out of your day to read the words that I wrote. I've always loved writing, and I still do. I've always wanted to share my stories with people, and in some way this blog really satisfies that part of me and my childhood.

How crazy even is it that we now have the technology to share out thoughts with people that are thousands of kilometers away from us without needing to travel anywhere? We are so privileged, and we really need to be more grateful for it, as many negative sides there may be to it as well. We take it as self-evident (I hope that's the right word for it?), that we can do all of these amazing things, and that we don't need to read through a whole library in order to find an answer to our homework or have to travel somewhere to be able to chat to people all over the world and all that stuff.
Gosh, were is this leading, a few seconds ago I was still talking about this blog and you guys haha. Sorry about that.

Thank you so much to everyone who has read anything on this blog in the past year, whether it was one or a million times. Thank you for taking your time to read these weird thoughts that my head creates and makes me put down and publish for you. Thank you for giving me this tiny and cozy space on the internet and making me happy. I feel like my readers are my friends, even if they only listen. I can tell you whatever I want, and there's always at least one person that cares enough to listen.

Blogging has given me so much, and I feel so relieved that I no longer need to search for ways to share my opinions on things, instead I can share them with you directly. One day I might be looking back at this post and cringing at what I wrote. It's always that case anyway, isn't it? I'll probably be cringing about it by tomorrow, but whatever, that's life. Sometimes you need to put in a little cheese.

This one year has gone by so quickly. It feels like it passed in the blink of an eye, and now we are already off into year 2! So many things happened over this year, so many different blogposts and insights, so many pictures and words. Looking back, I don't regret any of them. Whether the post had 5 or 50 views.
Numbers don't always matter. My blog has currently been read a little over 2,8K times in one year. To some of you that might be such a small number, but to me it means a lot. I am thankful for every single one of them. This blog might be growing slowly, but who said big bloggers were able to pay their taxes etc from their blogging money after just one year of doing so? Zoella didn't become a huge blog from one second to another, nor did SprinkleOfGlitter or TheAnnaEdit.

Right now I am pretty happy with what I have achieved on this blog, and I never would have thought to even reach 1K views in a year, so that is pretty awesome. Who knows what will happen in the upcoming year of blogging?
There are so many possibilities, but we will all have to accept and live with whatever life throws at us. That's how life works. I have really been trying to work on that part in the past few months - accepting that things happen for a reason. There's a reason why you missed your bus this morning, because otherwise maybe you would've ended up in a car crash. There's a reason why you didn't do well on that exam, because maybe you need to stop thinking that you are too good to even study at all. There's a reason why you are having a bad day today, because there would be no rainbows without a little rain. What all of us need to remember at the end of the day is that:

There's a reason why this is my favourite quote, and there's a reason why it was the inspiration for my blog name. It doesn't mean that I think my life is perfect and that I'm happy with everything that is happening in my life. I rather see it as a motivation to think more positively and remember that bad things happen in life, but there's a reason for that, and you need to make the best of it.

You've all probably stopped reading this already, right? :D Sorry if I bore you. I get a little carried away with my writing sometimes, but that's what you might get to see a little more often if you read this blog for a little longer. :)

As you are also part of this blog, because you are reading it, I thought it's only fair to share some 'numbers' with you. Here's a little recap for you. So here's a list of the most read posts:

Funnily, the number 1 post is actually one of my least favourite posts. I don't really know why, but you seemed to have loved it, so I guess I'm going to keep those reviews coming in the future. I love the other two posts in your favourites though! Great choice :D My favourite posts are all in the TOP 10 so I guess we pretty much agree in that case, which I'm really happy about.

Now let's talk about the least loved blogposts, you got to show some negative sides as well. Maybe someone actually would have liked this post and has just never seen it before? Think positively :D.

Whaaat, I actually loved those Wishlist posts :o Wouldn't have guessed that, but okay good to know I guess. :D I'm not even going to try and bother to find an excuse why that happened. All three sadly are posts that took up quite a lot of time to write and edit. I'll take that into consideration on my future blogpost choices, and hopefully get an even better idea of what I will post about on my 18th :P

Let's talk about where most of my readers are from, as well, because why not? :)

1) USA
2) Germany
3) France
4) Russia
5) Ireland

I love that my readers come from so many different places, a few of them actually being on my list of places that I want to visit, so that is awesome! Also, these places are very different, so that's also lovely to see! :)

I guess you all must have enough of my talking that just won't stop. So I will try to keep this ending short, before we officially start into the second year of DANCINGINTHERAIN23. :D

Thank you so much for being part of this blog. Thank you for reading and thinking about what I am saying. Thank you for being awesome readers! Let's hope we'll one day be able to look back at this together and laugh about the good old times! I really hope you found joy in it, and will keep doing so. No matter what life throws at you, always remember the quote behind this blog name. Thank you for everything.

Have an incredible day!

Lots of love ♥

Jacqueline Xx

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