Friday, 29 July 2016

July Chats 2016

Welcome to a new post!

I can't believe it's been a month already since I chatted to you all about my month of June :o. Yet, it's time to talk about July. To be honest I nearly wrote this through the middle of the month because I got so exited about writing it. July has been a weird month, in which on one hand a lot of things happened, and on the other hand, nothing happened. Sorry if this ends up being a really messy post, but I am just going to write down whatever comes to my head that right second.


Hell, there were a lot of birthdays happening this month. At least that's what I call it when there are four parties you are going to - though December is a lot worse haha. I had a really lovely time at all of them, and oh my god we had the nicest food ever!

The first party was my friend's one, and she is basically the biggest pizza lover and eater you could ever imagine. We had pizza with broccoli and corn, and I think I might be in love. Try it kids, it's literally the best thing ever even if it might sound healthy or gross to you.

Also had a really lovely time at my brother's BBQ and my other friend's 18th! Look at this cool box her mother made! It's a survival kit haha - Pinterest for the win! :D Still dreaming about my food and my drink as well..


We are finally on school break people!! I am so happy I can spend some time basically doing nothing, not having to worry about anything school related, and I am probably not the only one! (Sorry to everyone that has to work or go to uni.)
The last few school days weren't that eventful apart from loads of classes not happening and most teachers only showing up to show a film or let you leave after 5 minutes even though you just spent two hours waiting for those 5 minutes...I can't complain though :D.

And my last ever French lesson consisted of making Crêpes, how cool is that?? Kinda scared if it was the right choice to stop studying it, even if I am not really a French genius - I do love languages though...Well, I've still got English and Spanish left though! :)
But I am more than happy about never having to worry about Physics again, because I have never ever got on well with that subject. I just don't get the stuff, I'd rather do Chemistry and Biology, so that is what I am doing!

Oh, and we had our first lessons of the advanced courses that we chose to do in our A-levels :o. I chose Biology and English. It was really interesting to see who we're going to have to spend the next two years of our lives with, and talk about what we'll learn and hear about.
Also got our first homework for English class, which is reading To Kill a Mockingbird. I am actually quite exited about it, as I've wanted to read it for quite a while now, but never got round to it. If you've read it already, what did you think of it? :)

TV Series

Guess who thought it was time to start a new TV show, now that it's Summer time - yes, me. And after two years of putting it off, because I thought it wouldn't be for me, I finally started Game of Thrones. Yes, I am kind of late, but please don't kill me. I'd rather be late than never start it :D. I never thought that I would like it, but it legit took me 12 days to watch 6 seasons....Don't judge me, you should allow yourself stuff like that every once in a while :D. Now I am onto watching every possible BTS and interview footage that I can find.
Absolutely love Peter Dinklage, Maisie Williams, Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington!


Yaaaaaas, I finally watched Me Before You! I bloody loved that book, if you didn't know that yet, and I finally found someone to watch the film with, wohoooooooo! It was just as beautiful as the book, a lot better than other adaptations in my opinion! Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin did an amazing job in my opinion! There was so much to laugh at, yet I was so freaking close to tears as well, and I don't often get to that point when in the cinema! It's probably more for girls than boys, but if you have a chance to watch it, or at least read the book, go for it! Don't put it down any longer :). Definitely getting this on DVD as soon as it's out!


I love a good book, and I've made it my goal to read a hell of a lot this Summer! I finished After You, the sequel to Me Before You a few days ago, and that was actually the day I finished watching Game of Thrones as well.
Me as a writer, reader and Potterhead, had to read the books obviously. I just can't deal with watching a series that is based of apparently really good books and not read them! But typical me, I would rather save some money and commit to something a little bigger - and ended up buying the whole 5 books box set on my kindle... Now there is no way I can't possibly read them I guess, here's to 4.272 pages! :D So far my kindle is telling me I'm 5% in, even though I've read quite a bit so far!
I really want to get the school book done quickly, so I'll stop reading at the end of the week and do that first, but so far I am really liking it!

Oh, and I cannot leave this part without mentioning Tanya Bakes by the amazing Tanya Burr! I've been bloody loving her receipes ever since it came out. I even did a whole blogpost about it - if you haven't seen that yet and wand to find out more, click HERE! There's so much amazing stuff in there, and I cannot wait to make even more of the stuff!


Hell, we've done a lot with our school class to end the one year that we spent together, and it was bloody lovely. We went cooking with our teachers - the evening was lovely expect our football team loosing at the european tournament and the fact that we each paid 15€ to eat the tiniest plate of Gnocci, including tin sauces, no second rounds, and all we did ourselves was peeling a few potatoes. But I swear we had a nice time!
A little later we went to our teachers charity event - at least a few of us - which was really fun. I even bought a lovely new bag and won a notepad which would've costed 1€ wohoooo :D.

And a little after that we went to visit a local brewery, where we got a few drinks ;). That day we also made a visit to the local river, which ended up with us planning another visit, which only happened a few days ago. There's something pretty lovely about spending time talking, singing and eating, even if that includes people running around to catch Pokémon haha.
Not to forget that other dinner trip we did as well - we've been pretty much all around each other for the past few days haha -the next trip is already planned.

Festival Time

Me and a few of my friends had been wanting to go to a Holi Festival for quite a while, but we never got round to it, as there was always something different happening on that day. We finally managed to do it this year, at least a few of us, and I'm still not quite sure what to think. I had heard people saying it's something you can do once, but don't need to go to twice, which I think is pretty true. It's fun for a while, but at some point most people have enough and there isn't really that much going on anymore. We ended up only spending 3 of the 10 hours there, but it was nice to be there once. I'd not pay for it again, but yeah - I am repeating myself :D. The most disgusting thing of the day were deffo the particles of colour in the hair afterwards - hell, my hair was heavy and sticky af. :D

Booking a holiday

We didn't think we would be able to go on holiday this year, but somehow we ended up actually being able to, and about a week ago we booked a trip for August! We decided to go to Berlin, as I was the only one who had been there before, but we wanted to save some money for a proper beach trip next year, as well. It's only a few days, but I cannot wait to explore the stuff that I didn't see when I went there with school. I'm pretty interested in the World Wars, so I am exited to see more of that historical stuff - even if I am not the biggest fan of museums. I'm planning to do one or more blogpost about the trip, so get exited :)!


I hoped I wouldn't have to adress this topic again, but if you followed to news for the past few days or weeks, you will able to tell that didn't quite happen...Here's a few of the words that I had planned to put into a whole blogpost, that I wrote the night the shooting in Munich happend:

Ever since I can remember, I've been afraid of war. I've been afraid of terror, murder, death in general, hurt, and everything that comes with it. I've felt safe for many years, yet I knew that one day this safety wouldn't be stable anymore. You've been seeing it in the past two or three years. This world has never been a perfect place, that is certain. However, throughout the past few years I feel like it's been going downhill. Sure, there has been similar stuff going on in other countries, but they are far away from us Europeans - our news kinda play them down as they don't seem to important since these events aren't happening that close - it's not that we wouldn't care. I feel like for the past few months I keep going on Social Media, and all I find is a new 'event' with various deaths and hurt people. Paris hit me hard in November, harder than any other terroristic thing ever did. Seeing it happening in my own country, is going just as deep, and I am pretty sure I am not the only one. There have been so many similar events recently, that we kind of start to care less with each one of them, because  for some reason we are getting used to them, which is totally wrong. My tv has been running for nearly two hours now, they keep on repeating stuff, but I just seem to can't get it out of my head. The fact that we've only booked a Berlin trip a few days ago, doesn't make it any better. Yet I guess it has come to the point where you could go anywhere and maybe end up in a situation like that. That is what is so sad about it. On one side I feel like I have to keep on living my life, because this could happen anywhere at any place, but on the other side I am scared. Scared of my own life, of the ones of my friends, family etc. What has this world become? I was always pretty happy about the fact that I had never experienced anything like the World Wars, and I've been interested in that stuff for many many years. But it's come to the point, where I can feel a proper new war creeping up, and this is only the beginning, and that's what I find frightening. I have never been a person that cares much about politics, but in these days, I am caring about them more than ever before. If you had no idea what was going on before you read this post, I advise you to please download any news app, something like BBC news, in order to get notified in the right time. This is highly important for each of us, whether it's happening somewhere close to you or miles and miles away. It could always happen right next to you and you might not find out until it is too late. There is always that possibility.

Important Blog News

On a more happier note, there's finally going to be some changes on this blog and it's layout! I've made it my goal to use the whole of the next week to redesigning it, as I've kind of grown tired of the one I've got right now. That might mean that there won't be a blogpost next week, as I can't promise how long it is going to take me to do it. But I've got a few ideas for blogposts as soon as that has happened, so get exited! If you end up seeing weird things on this blog or weird layouts throughout the next week, don't worry - I'll currently be working on that. You'll hear from me as soon as I am finished! :)

I really hope you enjoyed this post! I'd love to know what you got up to this month, so don't feel too shy to leave me a comment. ;)

Have an amazing day ♥

Love, Jacqueline Xx

Monday, 18 July 2016

Sephora Wishlist

Welcome to a new post!

I haven't been looking that much into getting new make-up recently, purely because I have enough of it (though it isn't that much) and I am trying to save money. Yet, there are a few things I like looking at if I ever feel the need to treat myself again. I don't really have the chance to order on Sephora without spending a huge amount of money, nor do I often go to France to have a stroll around the store. I thought I'd make a little list of bits I'd like to treat myself to in the future, and share them with you, as my wishlist posts seem to be quite popular on this blog! :)

I cannot even tell you how many times I've put Smashbox bits into my basket, but then decided against buying them. Yet, I am still quite interested in trying them, as a lot of people are raving about them. I don't really own any good primers, probably making this the perfect set to start off with. $29 isn't that much either for that many different samples to try, even in Euros!

I've always been a massive eyeshadow palette freak, as I love experimenting with different colours, and I would rather invest in a full package of new colours, instead of a single eyeshadow. This palette seems perfect, as it contains both brown and pink shades, which I personally love using. $45 is pretty much the same price as an Urban Decay palette, which I think is okay if it's just as good as that one!

These lip stains are so hyped up on the internet, that I can't do anything but feel the need to try them. They are definitely the one product I want the most from the original Sephora collection. I mean they are $14, but I guess that would be alright to pay if they are as amazing as everyone says they are. They also come in various different shades, so there is something for each type of person to find.

Origins is another brand that I have been putting in my basket, only to order everything except that product that I had chosen. This set seems perfect, even if it is $45, as it includes several different products to try. There's a mask, a moisturizer, another moisturizer with SPF and an eye cream - everything I am looking for. If you have any experiences with Origins skincare, I would love to find out! :)

I think I've already put this on my actual beauty wishlist, but I still haven't had a chance to purchase it, even if I really want to try it. There are plenty to try, even if I think they might be a little pricey with $6 each, but yet they are worth a try, aren't they? ;)

Maybe I mainly want to try this, because Tarte packaging is so nicely designed, but I truly think this is a very nice set. It's quite travel friendly, and I think $12 is alright for that. This set only comes in this shade, but it looks alright to me. I don't currently own any Tarte products, but I feel like this would be a nice way to try some of their products.

Yes, I am slightly obsessed with lip products, but this is another product that has been on my list for quite a while, ever since Danielle Peazer started talking about them on her blog in fact. They are pretty expensive, as one of these pencils is $24, but they look really elegant in my opinion, and worth a try.

What is on your beauty wishlist? Have you ever tried any of these brands before? I never get any comments on my blogposts, which I guess I have to accept, but I would truly love to chat to you. :)

Have an amazing day ♥

Love, Jacqueline Xx

P.S. I do not claim any copyright for these pictures! All rights go to their owners! I am not using these pictures to gain money, I am using them purely for fun and to inspire!

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Casual Summer Days - Quick Talk

Welcome to a new post!

I didn't really know what to talk about today, and thought it would be perfect for these days to have a quick post about something I can't say much about but still be able to have a say. Today I felt like doing an outfit post, yet the weather isn't nice enough to take any nor do I have one to take the pictures of me. But I took a picture of it in nice lighting in front of my mirror, so I still decided to do this post. Why should I miss this post and write about something I don't want to write about and would end up writing a miserable blogpost? I am hopefully going to be able to do one or two proper outfit posts during the summer break, but we'll see how it's going to work out, because I better not promise anything.


Top:      MANGO

Jeans:    MANGO

  Shoes:    Graceland

   Clock:     New Look

I really like this outfit, even if I haven't had a chance to wear it a lot so far. My parents really weren't that keen on the top, but I am absolutely in love with it. Sure it makes me look a little bigger than I am, but it's pretty, very comfortable and easy to throw on with any outfit.
I've only recently purchased this watch, and I'd been looking for something alike for quite a while, as I really like the Daniel Wellington watches but didn't want to pay that much money. It's quite simple, but that's what I like about it, because it goes with everything and ain't too big.
I had been looking for cute sandals for years but never got any because I wanted really plain ones, but they never fit my feet, however I somehow ended up buying these ones, which are totally the opposite. They weren't a lot of money, they are pretty and comfortable, even though they never were my dream shoes, and I've been wearing them with quite a lot of outfits recently.

This outfit is perfect for those Summer days on which there's sun, yet it isn't really warm enough to go out in shorts. Sadly, I get hot quite easily, which is why I can't wear this too often, but I really really like it.

I'm really looking forward to Summer, even if I haven't got that many things planned. After that, we're going into our second to last school year and we're starting our advanced courses, meaning I really want to relax and enjoy as long as I am still able to do so. I also want to put a lot more work into this whole blog, to make it bigger and better than ever! Let's see how that is going to work out though :D.

What's your favourite thing to wear on cooler days in Summer? Where do you usually go shopping for Summer clothes? Do you have any plans for the break or do you have to keep on working? What do you even do? Do you have a job or do you study? I really like finding out more about you guys as well! :)

Have an amazing week ♥

Love, Jacqueline Xx

Sunday, 10 July 2016

My Style Inspirations

Welcome to a new post!

Even though I never do outfit posts, I love fashion a hell of a lot. I love seeing what people wear, and I could scroll through fashion posts on both blogs and social media all day long. I am pretty sure, some of you will agree with me.

I'm still trying to find my style. I know what I like, but I am still in the bit where I am experimenting with different stuff. However, I have a few people that I like to look at when I am not sure what to wear, or simply when I feel like finding new inspiration for future outfits.

You'll be able to tell that most of these are blogger and/or youtubers, but I guess that's normal since they've been taking up quite a piece of my life for the past few years. I thought today was the perfect day to show you who I am talking about, and who inspires me. Maybe after writing this I'll finally be able to decide which of those pieces I ordered I want to keep, and which I want to send back...:D

Danielle Peazer

If you've been following this blog for quite a while and/or you know me in the slightest, you will either be smiling or annoyed that I am mentioning Danielle again. I'm sorry but I've been pretty obsessed with this pretty human for around four years now, and so far I can't see the end to that. I love how many different perspectives Danielle puts into her style. One day you'll see her in pretty workout clothes, others in majorly patterned culottes, the next in the most flattering dress or a smart shirt and a blazer. Her style is so versatile, and I am in love with it.

Jade Thirlwall

Danielle's roommate and member of my favourite girl band - I had to mention Jade. She always surprises me with her looks. This lady even rocks Disney outfits. Jade's style is very much like mine has been for quite a while. Cute and floaty, but elegant or rocky whenever needed. I don't even know what else to write, but if you've ever stalked her Instagram, you will know just how pretty her style is. There's cute flowery patterns, there is skin, there's ripped jeans, there's dresses and Disney - perfect!

Zoe Sugg

I feel like Zoe and Jade going shopping together, would be something that would go pretty well. They both have their own likings, yet in a lot of ways they are very similar. They both like cute outfits, cute dresses and jumpsuits, a little pattern from time to time, but a little bit of a rockier side from time to time. I don't think Zoe ever wore anything that I hated. She has the confidence to wear stuff from time to time, that I would only ever wear at home, which I really admire. Her fashion hauls are some of my favourites, and they have been for quite a few years.

Suzie Bonaldi (Hello October)

I have only discovered Suzie's blog and YouTube at the beginning of this year, yet I am so obsessed. I have only seen little of her buys or outfits that I didn't like. I like how her style isn't like the typical blogger, yet they are trendy and very modern, but still cute. I feel like Suzie would definitely be a person that I would really get on well with when shopping (I'm totally up for that, if you are reading this haha :D (I wish)).

Shay Mitchell

I love Shay's daily outfits, and I always get exited whenever she does a new outfit posts on Instagram. I'm not a massive fan of most of her red carpet stuff, as it is just not my type of style, but her daily outfits are stunning. She loves a rocky outfit with ripped shorts from time to time, but she wears a lot of pretty and floaty dresses and jumpsuits with pretty patterns. She loves a little colour, and her outfits always scream for a smile and a good mood!

Danielle Campbell

I have been obsessed with this cutie ever since I started watching The Originals about one or two years ago. Her style rocky country vibe to it, yet it is elegant and modern. I love how she can rock quite a lot of different pieces. Whether it's elegant or casual, she has definitely got a style that I would wear in my every day life as well, not like the case with a few other actresses or models.

Poppy Deyes

Poppy's style is quite plain and casual, yet I think it is quite pretty. She doesn't need tons of patterns to look pretty and create a lovely and modern outfit. She doesn't go all out, but I feel like she can rock a lot of stuff. I often have days where I like for more simple styles, and that is when I love to see what Poppy has been wearing.

Perrie Edwards

Happy 23rd Birthday to this queen! I have had times at the beginning when I wasn't really a fan of Perrie's style, but ever since I have been starting to get more into fashion, I have loved her style a lot. She definitely is a little hippie, and her outfits show that. Yet, she also loves a leather jacket and all the rocky bits like that, and that's what I love about her outfit choices. She can do elegant, hippie and rocky, everything that I love to see in outfits.

Tanya Burr

I feel like Tanya's style has slightly changed in the past few years, yet I am still pretty obsessed with it. She loves her dresses and her chucks, but she can rock a lot of things. I love how she wears a lot of flowery patterns as well, yet she has a variety of outfit choices. I love seeing what she wears, especially when she goes on holiday!

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

Some of you might find this slightly weird, but I personally love Catherine's style, and I sometimes spend hours scrolling through pictures of her. She can't go all out and wear whatever she wants obviously, yet I feel like she always makes good clothing choices. I love her dresses and coats. Even though they are mainly plain, they always look elegant and pretty. I really wish I could have a go through her wardrobe, because I am pretty sure I would end up wanting nearly her whole closet.

Hopefully I will now be able to make a decision about my newly shopped bits, and you have found some new inspiration as well. I would absolutely love to hear about your fashion icons! Who inspires your style? Who's style could you stare at for hours? :)

Have an amazing day and week! ♥

Love, Jacqueline Xx

P.S. I do not claim any copyright for any of these pictures! Any rights go to their owners! I am not using these pictures to gain any money, I am only using these pictures for fun and in order to inspire my readers!