Friday 3 February 2017

Adventures of Barcelona #TRAVELDIARIES

Welcome to a new post!

Actually, the title is a slight lie, we stayed very close to Barcelona, but I guess we can let that count right? We did spend some time in Barcelona anyway. Around three and a half years ago I took part in an exchange from school to go to Spain, and since I recently found the file filled with pictures again, and I haven't done a Throwback post pretty much since one of my first blogposts on this blog at the end of 2015, I thought it was time I did one.
We did a lot of guided tours....a lot a lot, so I didn't really get the chance to take many pictures from the inside of Barcelona, but I think I still managed to capture some really nice memories from trips to Sitges or the visit to a kids amusement park. I don't think there's much else needed to be said, so let's stare at some pictures! 😛

First looks around Castelldefels.
How pretty is this view?
Hello Beach! ♥
Doesn't this kind of remind you of those typical pictures people take when they go to California?
Guided Tour through Barcelona, looking at pretty buildings like this one!
Am I the only one that just loves a pretty picture of a palm tree?
Sagrada Família
Soo many pretty houses!
Somehow reminds me of London, especially with the filter on...makes me miss London so much.
Guided Tour in Sitges
Sitges is definitely one of my favourite places we went to see! Such a cute and pretty city, and the beach is pretty nice too - although the water is slightly too cold in November. Did I mention that all of these pictures have practically been taken in the middle of Winter? We spent so much time in shorts and tops, it was so nice!
Sunsets in Castelldefels
Trip to Tibidabo, a kids amusement park, but with the best view ever over the whole of Barcelona and the area! *-*
Boat tour to end the trip.

So what did you think? Definitely a really beautiful place to visit, in my opinion! Have you ever been to Barcelona or around? How did you like it?

I definitely want to go back one day and explore the places that I haven't seen. We didn't get many chances to do some exploring ourselves, let alone shopping, so hopefully I will one day get a chance to do that. There's still so much I haven't seen, and Spain is such a pretty country. I can't believe that this was basically in Winter and we still had such nice weather, let alone that this was practically three and a half years ago! How crazy is that! 😮
If you have never been there, I definitely recommend you look into it, it's so nice! I mean you get city and beach all in one, how good is that?

Have a beautiful day ♥

Love, Jacqueline Xx

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