Tuesday 14 February 2017

14 Reasons Why It's Fun To Be Single

Welcome to a new post!

It's the day of the days. The day were most people that are in a relationship are full of joy, love and cringe. But even if you're single, that doesn't have to mean life can't be fun without a partner. In fact it has many benefits, which we should totally talk about more often instead of moaning about how annoying it is to be single and not have a partner. And as it's Valentine's day, I thought it was the best time to do this kind of post. For some reason it turned out a lot shorter than I had initially planned, but I guess length isn't what's most important, right?

1) You never have to fight about the tv programme, nor what to watch next on Netflix.

2) You've got a whole lot more time to yourself.

3) You can do more of what makes you happy.

4) No one is going to get jealous when you want to hang out with someone of the other gender.

5) You can have as many celebrity crushes as you want and dream about them 24/7 if you like.

6) You can declear how hot someone looks without anyone getting jealous.

7) You won't have to get out of bed on Valentine's day to go one a date, but stay in bed with all your snacks and Netflix all day.

8) You don't have to spend money on any anniversairy or Valentine's day gifts, and save some instead - it's a win win situation.

9) No one is going to break your heart. Unless, of course, your crush or your celeb crush gets into a relationship, gets engaged or is about to become a parent.

10) You have the bed allll to yourself.

11) You do whatever you want to, no need for compromises either.

12) You're not dependant on anyone.

13) No need to share anything, especially food.

14) There's no need to worry about having to impress anyone. I mean we shouldn't do that anyway, but we all know that we do it anyway.

See, there's no need to be sad about being single, because it's got so many benefits too. Many of these things would be so different if you were in a relationship, so please don't worry about being on your own right now. That is going to change one day, so you better enjoy the time to yourself right now, as long as you're still able to do so. You will regret not cherishing these things as soon as you're in the middle of a relationship.
I am not saying being in a relationship wouldn't have it's fun sides too, but really, being single just doesn't have to be a bad thing unless you make it one. Go out and enjoy your time as a single person! Do whatever the heck you want and do whatever makes you happy! Don't sit in a corner and cry about it. Look at the positive sides and go out there. Don't bring yourself down about being single. There are so many people out there who are happily singles, so why shouldn't you be that too? Go out, have fun and enjoy yourself! You ain't going to get into a relationship more quickly just because you're crying about not being in one.

So how are you spending this normal Tuesday? 😉

Have a great week ♥

Love, Jacqueline Xx

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