Sunday 5 February 2017

3 (V)Bloggers That Deserve More Recognition

Welcome to a new post!

I love reading blogs, and as you are reading this right now, there's a high chance that you do too. Yet, over the years it has become pretty difficult for people to grow their blogs and YouTube channels without having any connections, mainly because this industry has grown so quickly, and there are already so many people out there doing the same thing.
You have to stand out, be able to promote yourself properly, be recognized by many people, and some need that bit of a push by someone who already is a popular blogger or vlogger. I don't mean to criticize anyone with these words, that just seem to be the ways to get your blog big nowadays, and it's really nice that so many people get this opportunity.

However, I am always on the hunt for some smaller blogs and channels, because I feel like it's a nice thing to watch and read some people's words that haven't been thrown to the top of the line yet. Today, I would like to talk to you about 3 bloggers/vloggers that I really think deserve more attention and recognition from people. I've been following all three of these for quite a while now, and I just think it's sad to see how little their blogs and channels still are even though they produce such awesome and high quality content.

Sam Carr

I first started following Sam back in 2014. Back then there were no fan accounts for him, which just seems so crazy to me that now he has. But he deserves it, because he's truly a really nice guy and he puts a lot of love and work into his videos.
He does a lot of travel videos and vlogs alongside with other lifestyle bits on his YouTube channel. And let me tell you, that guy knows how to use a camera. It happens quite regularly that I find myself scrolling through his Twitter picture feed or his Instagram feed. His photography is absolutely stunning.
You really don't have to be a boy to like his channel, because it truly is channel for anyone. He's very down to earth and so relatable for a lot of young people, because he doesn't only show the good side of things.
If you just love a travel video, a vlog, a nice chat about something and photography/videography, definitely check out his channel and his Social Media, because I think you'll definitely enjoy your time there. Oh, and by the way, he just re-launched his new blog last night!
(Wow, that was really strange to write somehow. He's probably annoyed of me spamming him by now anyway haha. Sorry Sam. 😂)


Emily Bashforth

I met this lovely girl when I first started a second fan account and we still talk from time to time. She's 17 years old, yet I'd call her more intelligent than some people twice her age. She blogs about a lot of different things, definitely showing a passion in the fight for equality and fairness. She loves a nice fangirl blogpost, she loves a music related one, a fashion related one but she definitely loves the deep posts a lot.
Emily is the kind of girl that can drop three blogposts a day completely randomly after not posting a few days and you just sit there annoyed at yourself because you can't even bring up the motivation to write one haha.
She talks about a wide range of things, she loves writing and you can definitely tell that she does these things with a passion. You can see how much thought and time she puts into her blogposts and that's so amazing to see. She's honestly one of the nicest people I've met online, and I don't really know how anyone could hate this girl. Have a look at her blog, you won't regret it. Whether you enjoy music, fashion, travel, rant posts about feminism or abortion for example, or anything else, you will definitely enjoy your time on there! :)

Emily Rose

I really don't know how Emily only has 15K subscribers on YouTube. I mean that's not a very small number if you imagined all of those people in one place, but looking at many other channels, it is quite small, which I personally find kind of sad.
Emily does really lovely videos. I am not watching many beauty related videos nowadays, but hers are some that I still enjoy watching. Her videos are very well made and beautiful, and I just don't know how there aren't more people that know about and enjoy her videos.
She also pops in a vlog here and there, and I mean - who doesn't love a good vlog? Whether it's a Shoutout To My Ex make-up tutorial, a Lush haul, a favourites video, the regular haul or a Q&A - if you like any of these things, have a look at Emily's channel, because you will definitely enjoy it.
She deserves a lot more recognition for the quality of her videos.
And before I forget it, she also owns a blog, where she often does little life updates, which I personally really like to see, because sometimes you just need something in a written down way instead of seeing it in a video.

I really hope I sparked your interest, because I truly think that these people deserve a lot more recognition than they're currently getting. I can't believe that these people who put so much work and passion into their channels have so little followers. They deserve a lot more. This industry can be so hard on smaller channels nowadays, why I think it's important that we don't only support the big channels and people. You should support those ones too, but these people that put just as much work in as some of those, which is why they definitely deserve to be recognized by people.

Do you know any other bloggers or vloggers that deserve more recognition?

Have a great day ♥

Love, Jacqueline Xx

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