Spring has finally arrived, and with it my favourite season of the whole year! Even though we didn't have a deep winter over here in Germany, it is so refreshing to finally go outside with a thinner coat, the sun shining in your face, the cold breeze following it, the birds singing, all the bright colours suddenly coming on again...I am so ready for this Spring!
Sometimes though, we all don't really know what to do with our free time, and now that it's getting slightly warmer and we are all still snuggled into big black warm clothes with hot chocolate and tea, there's a lack of things to do.
Since you all seemed to absolutely love my post about Things To Do During Winter Break, I thought I might as well have to another similar post about things to do this Spring, to give you some more inspiration for this season!
In nowadays societey we spend way too much time on our smartphones, laptops etc. I am not telling you to not do that anymore, but I think we should all take some time off from time to time. Grab a camera and your coat, maybe a friend, your family or your pet and go for a walk. Go somewhere calm but nice to spend some time and take as many pictures as you can. It's a way of disconnecting from your digital life, spending some proper quality time in the nature, and that is definetely what I am going to do as well. You will thank yourself afterwards, because promise me, you will have enjoyed it!
Flowers are something that I have always loved, since my mum has always had some at home due to her job, hence why it's pretty ironic why every real flower I put in my room dies quicker than it should :D. But go get yourself some nice bright flowers. It will not only make your room appear more spring like, but also puts you into a better mood. It's one of those little things, that can really brighten up a day.
3) Reorganize your wardrobe
I know this sounds pretty boring, but we all have to do it from time to time in order not to go completely mad at some point because we can't find a certain dress, for example. Especially in Autumn and Winter we tend to wear a lot more dark and muddy colours, but now that everything is finally brightening up again and it's getting warmer, why shouldn't our wardrobes do that as well? It might take you a few hours but it will be completely worth it, and you will thank yourself afterwards for an organized wardrobe.
This is the point where you can get pretty creative. Starting something new could be a new notebook or a new book, but it could also be starting a certain sport or starting to raise money for a charity close to your heart or starting to train for a marathon, for example. There is plenty of things that you could do! Try to mix it up this Spring, and start something new and exiting, and it might end up being your new favourite thing!
5) Plant something
It's that time of the year where the flowers are finally showing up again, brightening the grass and nature all together, but you could also plant something yourself. I am not saying that you should go and start a huge flower bed in your garden, but you could start with simple things like herbs, for example. You can get seeds and pots in every supplies store, some home stores even sell little pots for you to start with. Planting herbs will also freshen up your kitchen and food a little bit!
6) Picnic in the park
Yes, that's the name of one of Tanya Burr's lipglosses, but it's actually a pretty nice idea for a spring activity! Me and my family used to do this a lot during spring and summer, though not in the park, but all you need for a picnic is a little patch of green, a blanket and tons of food. If you don't want to go to a park, you can always do it in your own garden! It tastes just as nice, but you are on your own, and if you've forgotten something you can easily run back. I don't really know what makes picnics so fascinating and magical, but they are such a nice thing to do, and to be honest they also make great pictures for your Instagram feed :D.
7) Ride a bike
In Spring I seem to be all about exploring the nature I guess, but riding a bike is another lovely thing to do to spend some time outside and away from your phone, playstation and computer. Go look up some nice ice cream places or restaurants in your area for example and drive there! We love doing a trip to an ice cream place near us, which is around 11 kilometers there and back, which sounds so much, but it's so refreshing, and also good for your health (apart from the ice cream, but okay let's not talk about that :D)!
8) Redecorate your room
Spring is the time to add colour to your life again, as I already mentioned, so you could always do that with your room as well. Buy some flowers, add some new bright pictures, put down your christmas decoration :P, and get some new and brightening things. It will brighten your mood as well, whenever you go inside.
The weather is getting slightly warmer, but it's still a little fresh, so why not bake something just as fresh and fruity as spring! There is plenty of cakes or cookies or whatever you want to make out there for you to bake and enjoy. If you don't have any idea, ask your mum or nanny, or simply scroll through Pinterest the whole day and find yourself something. It will look nice, and taste amazing, and isn't that worth the work?
10) Exercise
Yees I know this one is a stereotype and not everyone is a sporty person or is able to get themselves out of bed for it, but you could always try something new. Exercising is really healthy for your body, and just a small little workout each day or each few days can already make a huge difference. Try the Blogilates workouts on Youtube. They are pretty quick but not to easy, and if you want to start having a proper workout plan, you can always download one if you subscribe to the newsletter. There's even beginner workouts, and it's a way of using your freetime and also doing something for your body, maybe even outside in the fresh sun!
11) Do a digital detox
We all know how hard it is to leave our phones and other electronics alone for a few hours at some points, but it can actually be quite a relief to not focus on it at all. I actually did an iPod detox the day I started writing this blogpost, and I absolutely enjoyed it. I am so focused on my iPod some days since I mainly use my phone for WhatsApp, that I tend to forget to do other things that I truly enjoy. So I turned it off for a Sunday until a few minutes before I went to go to sleep, and I still had a great time doing things like baking, reading an pre-writing some blogposts. Think about doing it, because it really is really relieving, and I want to do it more often as well now. It will really make you think a bit more about turning your consume down.
12) Dance in the rain
Since my blog name obviously is DANCINGINTHERAIN23 I had to include this point. It's not only about the actual message behind those words, but in this case it's about the actual words. It once started raining on a summer day when I was on the trampoline with my friends, and we stayed on it and jumped and danced around on it in the rain. I still remember it so well, because I had the time of my life at that moment. It was so magical. Try it. Go out in the rain and dance, forget your worries and enjoy your life! (Don't forget that you can easily catch a cold 'n stuff like that if you do it for too long, so please limit your time and get yourself into some new clothes and into the warm house!).
Make sure to leave me some inspiration below and tell me what you are looking forward to the most this spring. :)
Have a great day! ♥
Love, Jacqueline Xx
Make sure to leave me some inspiration below and tell me what you are looking forward to the most this spring. :)
Have a great day! ♥
Love, Jacqueline Xx