Sunday 23 July 2017

BACK TO SCHOOL HAUL 2017: Stocking Up For A-Levels

Welcome to a new post!

If you're reading this and are actually still going to school, it's likely that a school haul is still pretty early for you, but here I am, still throwing stationery pictures at you because, to be honest - who doesn't enjoy stationery? (Seriously, if you don't, how do you do it?). I'm already almost half way through my summer break, and as I want to have everything sorted out before I go on holiday (be prepared for a ton of pictures), and I get way to exited about buying this stuff, I decided to do it now. Yes, I didn't buy the cutest and most instagramable stationery, but honestly, stationery is already expensive enough without being overly fancy. Also, you can always DIY stuff, which, very likely, I will do.

As I am going into my last EVER year of school (unless you want to count uni), which is absolutely mental, and I've got my A-level exams coming up in March, I really want to set up a proper study space on my desk this time. If you want to see a blog post on that, or how I am planning to study or anything else that has to do with school, definitely let me know. (It makes me more exited than it probably should oops).  

To start off, I got some new folders. I got two plain ones, although not in the prettiest colours. I decided before starting Sixth Form that I would not buy a folder of one colour twice, not realizing that there aren't that many pretty colours available. But oh well, I'll be fine. We also managed to have a browse through the dollar shop recently and I saw this Despicable Me folder. I think it's just so freaking cute. Call me childish, but I just needed to get it. I'm very much a visual learner, so having stuff like this motivates me so much more than those plain folders so I just could not resist!

Then I got a bunch of other folders, which are the ones I'll actually be taking to class with me (the ones in the last picture are for revision files etc. at home). I love how colourful they all are together! Way to aesthetically pleasing! 😍

Does anyone know what you call these things? I tried finding pretty ones on Amazon but just couldn't find the right title for them. These are going to be containing loose and/or important papers for class and for the actual A-level exams.

I love being organized when it comes to my school stuff (it usually only works for a few weeks but I guess the thought counts haha), so I also got a bunch of dividers for my folders. We also found these cute and super cheap cups at some dollar store - perfect to put any pens, highlighters etc. in, and make a study space even cuter.

There are also a bunch of things I needed to stock up on. So I got a new tipp-ex, some erasers for the end of my pencils, a new set square/triangle (no idea what's the right term, let me know), some post it notes and these lilac clips, which I saw people using for their index cards, which seems like a really good idea to keep them together. Last but not least, a bookrest, as I kept wanting, but not finding my old one during last exam season, so I picked up a new one.

Let's be honest - who doesn't love highlighters?? There's just something so pleasing about having a whole bunch of different coloured highlighters and making your notes look pretty and full of colours. I also got some overhead markers, as we often need them now, some new pens and a new pencil as well.


There are still a few bits and bobs missing, but that's the main overview, I guess. There are two huge, fancy folders and a lovely new notebook currently on their way to me, but I guess we'll all be okay if I don't show you every single thing.

I honestly don't know what makes buying school stuff and stationery in general so exiting, but you just can't deny the fact that it motivates you at least slightly to go back to school, just to make use of all of them. I can't believe I just did my last proper back to school haul, where I'm actually going to go to school with this stuff ahhhh - I'm getting old. That hopefully won't mean that it's my last stationery haul though hehe, already can't wait to stock up for university...although, that may take a little longer than just a year, who knows. :)

I really hope you enjoyed this blog post. If you did, definitely leave me a comment below. Also, let me know what type of stationery you love buying the most and where you get it from!

Lots of Love ♥

Xx Jacqueline

P.S. If anyone is buying their school stuff in Germany - I got all of these things at Müller, Tedi and Aldi.

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