Monday 5 June 2017

The Adventure Begins #TheBrightonDiaries

3rd of June 2017

Today's one is probably one of the most exiting blog posts I am ever going to write. I told you things would get more exiting as soon as June approaches,
and they hopefully will!
As I am writing this, I am sitting on a train from London Victoria to Brighton, watching over the buildings on the outsides of London. I can finally tell you what's going on today. I mean, I could have done that before, but I wanted to make sure that everything went the way it was supposed to go first. The whole of June you will probably be spammed with tons of pictures of England, particularly Brighton and London, because I am going to be staying here for four weeks to do an internship in Tourism!

I'm really exited about this, especially because this trip is such a huge learning experience to me, as well as the best opportunity to tick some things off of my bucket list. Like living in England for a little while, visiting Brighton or meeting a certain girl (more about that next week). I don't think I have ever been more exited and nervous at once about a trip. There are so many things that could go wrong, and it has been stressing me out for months.

Yet, I am glad that I decided to do this. I'll finally be able to practice spontaneous talking, get some work experience and explore a whole new area. I'm probably going to be spamming you with quite a few touristy bits throughout the next few weeks. Thanks to school being pretty much over for me, except for reading a book, I will hopefully be able to invest a little more time into these blog posts than I was able to for the past few weeks.
Sorry, that my content has been lacking a bit, but school didn't really give me much time to think about anything else other than exams and essays. From now on, it's hopefully going to be a bit more exiting and fun to read.

I'm actually very surprised that the weather has been so nice so far, but I don't want to jinx it, because it's only just 11.40 in the morning. Bloody hell, how am I supposed to stay awake until after dinner, I have been up since 3. I'll call back later, once I've got something a little more interesting to tell you, other than sitting on a train, staring at East Croydon train station.


My host family is really nice. We've already spent quite some time chatting politics etc, and it's been really fun. I was also able to explore Brighton on my own for a few hours. It was literally the prettiest day, except for all of the wind maybe. I gladly only have to go down the road to get to the beach, so I managed to see quite a few things in little time, like the new and old pier, the bandstand, the lanes etc. It was really fun to do some exploring, even if I didn't buy
anything apart from food.

I am hoping that maybe some day in the next week I'm going to be able to be sitting at the beach a little bit longer, because I really want to spend some quality time there. The beach is literally one of my favourite places ever, no matter where I am, because the sound of the ocean always calms me down. Today the wind was just way too cold, I was freezing in my jacket, whilst some crazy Brits decided to go swimming in this "heat".

Brighton is such a beautiful city, and I can't wait to see more of it in the next few weeks. I've just unpacked and tried to make it all homely, because I really want to enjoy my time here, not stressing about school or other stuff.

I think I might do a little Zoella/Girl Online Tour around Brighton at one point, maybe next weekend. I also really want to spend at least one day exploring London on my own, just seeing the things that I want to see. And who knows what else I'll do - probably eat at every place any of my favourite youtubers has ever recommended. When I go somewhere new and exiting, I am not one to sit down for long. I want to go out and explore, so that's definitely what I've got planned in my free time. It's so weird that I don't have to stress about exams or anything, and that I can put all of my passion into the things that I love.

If you have any recommendations on places I need to go, activities I need to try or food (places) I need to try, please let me know! I would love to hear your suggestions! I haven't decided yet, how often you are going to get these blog posts, and whether they are all just going to be chatty ones, or whether they will also include some more fancy ones, but if you want to hear more about Brighton and my trip, definitely tune in during the next few weeks.

I'll see you in the new few days! Have a great time!

Lots of love, Jacqueline Xx

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