Wednesday 14 December 2016

14 Christmas Questions

Welcome to a new post!

Today's post is another Christmas related one. I'm sorry that all that is coming are Christmas related posts right now, but I am so in the mood for them now, and I also don't have much time to write many blogposts at the moment as I have got quite a lot going on, so I better use the time wisely and spam you with some Christmas posts. 😏

It's all about answering some questions about Christmas today, because I thought it would be a really lovely but quick post, and I personally love finding out what other people think of these type of things. I didn't choose a particular Christmas tag because there were none that I felt like I liked all the questions of, so I decided to mix all of the ones out there together and add some of my own ideas. Let's dig into this!

1. What's your favourite Christmas film?

(Sources at the bottom)

Even though I haven't seen either of them many times it probably has to be either Elf or the Grinch. Both were bloody awesome and I really hope they will be back on TV pretty soon. German TV deffo doesn't show enough Christmas films, and that is so freaking sad, if you ask me.

2. Do you open your presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?

As I am German and I grew up in Germany I open my presents on Christmas Eve, just like everyone else around here. The 25th and 26th are usually the days we spend with the rest of our family and closest friends. I am really interested in seeing a British Christmas happening though, hopefully to happen in a few years, even though the urge to wait until the morning will probably be so hard.

3. Your perfect Christmas?

Well, it starts after a really good nights sleep and sleeping in. We then head downstairs and have a really nice breakfast in our pyjamas. And I need to have a Hot Chocolate! We spend the day not doing a lot, maybe going for a nice Christmas walk if the weather is nice, maybe playing a game or two, wrapping some last minute presents. In the evening we have a huge Christmas dinner, we clean up together, me and my brother go upstairs to play some more just like old times before our parents call us down to exchange presents. We all unwrap them together and then spend the night trying them out, maybe watching a Christmas film together. A day full of joy and happiness waaaah that sounded a little cheesy, didn't it? I can't help it, sometimes the author inside of me just can't stop herself.

4. Favourite Christmas Gift?

Probably my Urban Decay Naked palette that I got last year, because I totally didn't expect it , and I had been asking for it for like two or three years already and never got it, even though I wanted it so badly. I was so freaking happy, I legit stared at it for days, and it's still very well used and loved.

5. Any Christmas traditions?

No presents until after we have had dinner at night and cleaned up as a family!

6. Favourite Christmas scent?

You might be expecting a candle scent or something here, but to be honest, growing up German, I can only say my favourite scent is the smell of Christmas markets. They are probably the best thing ever, especially when you go at night, snuggled up in layers of clothes and having something hot to drink. The smells of almonds and Glühwein and crepes and popcorn and chocolate fruit and whatever the hell you would expect from a Christmas market - it's so freaking addicting!

7. Favourite Christmas song?

Bloody hell, this one's hard. I mean, who doesn't love a good Christmas song or two...maybe a hundred? One obviously has to be Last Christmas. I also love Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande and Mistletoe by Justin Bieber, All I Want For Christmas by Mariah Carey, Feliz Navidad and so many more I am forgetting right now. Even Frozen songs are on my Christmas playlist, there's just way too many.

8. Real or fake Christmas tree?

Real!!! Fake ones are a great idea, but I want the smell of a real one, the feel of a real one, and I can't deal with ones that don't have that, even if my dad tried to pursue me that we got one.

9. Dream place to visit around Christmas time?

Definitely Sweden. It's probably the only place that I dream about going around winter. I'd love to visit the Christmas markets and finally experience a proper white Christmas again.

10. Are you a pro-present wrapper or do you fail miserably?

Well, that definitely depends on what I am wrapping and whether I am having a good present wrapping day or not. I can do it quite nicely but as soon as it gets to weird shapes like circles etc it looks like a child wrapped it. 😃

11. Peeking at gifts or being surprised?

I hate knowing what I am getting, even if I make a list of things that I would like. I am not one to love surprises too much I think, but when it comes to presents, I would rather be surprised. Especially presents that you didn't expect and are really thoughtful are some of the best ones in my opinion.

12. On this year's wishlist?

Not that much actually. I would love to get some vouchers maybe from a few different places, and I have put some books on there, a DVD or two and some little beauty bits, and I think that's pretty much it. Oh no wait, a pair of Chelsea boots that I have been wanting to get ever since they started appearing on fashion blogs and in shops.

13. PJs or dress-up?

I think PJ's and comfy clothes are the way to go until the afternoon, and then I love dressing up a little bit, even if we don't end up going outside to see anyone. I don't do much, but I like putting some nicer clothes and a golden glittery make-up look on for an occasion like that. I mean, it only happens once a year.

14. Tree decoration colours?

I know this is a pretty random one, but I know we are not the only ones that have arguments about this from time to time. I personally am not a big fan of pink, blue or silver on a tree, but red and gold is the way to go!

Tell me some facts about your Christmas? How do you celebrate? I am so interested in finding out about different traditions, so please feel free to tell us all! :)

I hope you have an amazing week ♥

Love, Jacqueline Xx 👯

Picture sources: Elf DVD The Grinch DVD

All rights for the pictures go to their rightful owners! I do not claim any copyright for them! I do not use them to gain money, I use them for fun and inspiration only! Thank you.

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