Friday, 15 April 2016

Yves Rocher Hydra Végétal Moisturizing Creme

 Welcome to a new post!

If you've read my post about sustainability a few weeks back, you might know that me and my friend are writing an essay about natural cosmetics. For that we decided to try out a few more things ourselves, as we've had expierence with it, but not enough to actually write about that as well. One of the brands we are going to mention is Yves Rocher, which is quite a famous natural beauty brand in my opinion. 

I had been searching for an alternative for my NIVEA daily cream which contains a few not so nice bits, that I won't go into further detail in. That is why the Hydra Végétal Moisturizing Cream came straight into my focus in the store. My friend has tried it before and said that she thinks it is quite a good product, which is another reason why I ended up picking this product. Another thing that really drew me towards it was the fact that you were able to get a version with SPF. I wasn't particulary looking for one with SPF, but I was definetely thinking about it, so this was basically the perfect match. 
I've now been trying it out for a little while, and thought it was time to give you a little review on it. 

Let's start with the base, meaning the actual packaging of the whole creme. Both the paper outside the actual container and the container itself, which is made out of glass, are recyeable. That is something I usually never look into, but now that I have bought it, I actually feel like I want to have a look into that topic a bit more, seeing as I am quite interested in the climate change etc. The container is held in really decent colours of blue and white, but because of the glass bottle it looks quite luxurious actually. 

The smell is really nice and fresh, something I can't really find words for, but it definetely doesn't smell like chemicals would. You can definetely smell that there are certain plant based things in there, but that is what I find even more lovelier. It's not the least strongest smell, but not too much either. 

When I first tried it on my hand, I actually made the mistake of taking way too much, but you actually only need a teeny tiny amount of it. It's a really thin cream but saying that, it actually feels a lot heavier on your skin than you would think from the consistancy. If you have quite oily skin, I recommend you try it out in store as it might not be something for you. The cream sinks into your skin quite easily and leaves a lovely little glow behind. 

I didn't really know what to expect from the cream when I first bought it and put it on, but what I can say is that it's not the most moisturizing cream I have ever seen. It's for normal to combination skin though, so I guess that's alright. I think it is pretty much in the middle between a light moisturizer and a pretty thick and heavy one. However, I still love the product a lot more than other moisturizers that I have tried. 

To sum it all up, a pretty good moisturizer for normal skintypes, not very expensive, cruelty and pretty much chemical free with SPF, not only making your skin feel better, but also yourself and your thoughts. Both your skin and the nature will thank you for it.

Is there any natural beauty product that you love a lot? What is it? I'd love to find out and use it for further inspiration in this topic. :)

Have a great day, and a great weekend. ♥

Love, Jacqueline Xx

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